Do you have a health savings account? If so, you’re probably thinking of the ways you to use the funds you have built up in your account before the end of the year. Did you know that you can use your HSA dollars for dental procedures? The IRS allows individuals with HSA accounts to use their funds to pay for “the prevention and alleviation of dental disease”. Don’t put off using your HSA, call Millennium Smiles today to make an appointment!
Preventative treatment includes procedures such as teeth cleaning, X-rays, sealants and fluoride treatments. These procedures are designed to prevent tooth decay and cavities.
These treatments include fillings to treat cavities and tooth decay, and include treatments such as:
Fillings: Fillings are a common dental procedure to replace cavities after Dr. Korous has removed decayed enamel and dentin.
Root canals: Root canals are treatments that remove infected tooth roots to stop the infection from spreading and prevent tooth loss.
Extractions: In some cases, extraction is necessary to remove a tooth severely damaged by tooth decay or injury.
Crowns: Crowns are a permanent dental procedure designed to repair damaged, broken or cracked teeth.
Bonding: Dental bonding is also covered. Bonding uses a resin to repair cracked or chipped teeth. The resin is sealed with ultraviolet light.
Dentures: Dentures are removable, artificial teeth. Both full and partial dentures are covered with HSA funds.
What Treatments Are Exempt from HSA Spending?
Cosmetic dental treatments, such as tooth whitening, are not covered by an HSA but may be covered an FSA (also known as a Flexible Spending Account). We suggest that you consult your plan for details before spending any funds. Another critical point to remember is that expenses are eligible under your HSA as long as they cannot be reimbursed by your insurance or another source.
We also recommend that you save all of your receipts for qualified expenses.
HSA dollars cannot be spent on dental products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste or dental floss.
Do you have questions about HSA spending with Millennium Smiles? Call us today at 972-987-4899 for more information.