Most people want a straight, beautiful smile. Unfortunately, this rarely happens naturally. There are several orthodontic treatments available for fixing misalignments in the teeth. Traditional (metal) braces are still a very popular option, and clear aligners are also very effective. A new development, however, addresses the underlying causes of crooked teeth, preventing orthodontic issues before they occur. This treatment is The Myobrace® System, and you can find it at Millennium Smiles in Frisco, TX.
The Myobrace® System utilizes a series of removable intra-oral aligners that are worn for a portion of the day to treat the causes of crooked teeth. It does not require braces or the extraction of any teeth.
Myobrace® develops and aligns the jaws, straightens the teeth, and optimizes facial development. It also helps to correct poor oral habits and promote healthy eating habits, improving a child’s overall health. It is recommended for children aged 3 to 15.
While orthodontic treatments are very effective, waiting for the permanent teeth to come in fully before beginning treatment can sometimes lead to irreversible damage that affects not just the teeth, but the child’s overall health and development. Good myofunctional habits (oral habits) can be established before the permanent teeth come in, increasing the chances of good teeth alignment.
The Myobrace® System consists of a series of intra-oral appliances that work to correct poor oral habits in children and expand the arch-form while exerting light forces on the teeth and jaws to align them. Each appliance must be worn for one to two hours a day, plus overnight while sleeping. During treatment, the aligners correct bad myofunctional habits by teaching children to breathe through their nose, rest their tongue correctly in the roof of the mouth, and swallow correctly. The aligners also continue widening the jaws so that they grow to their full and proper size. By achieving this, the Myobrace® System creates sufficient room for the teeth, allowing them to come in naturally straight and avoiding the need for any braces.
There is also a patient education program known as Myobrace® Activities that accompanies treatment. This consists of exercises that are to be performed twice daily to aid the progress of the aligners.
To learn more about the Myobrace® System and determine whether or not it can benefit your child, contact us at Millennium Smiles today.