CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) is a CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) system for designing and milling in office dental repairs with a high degree of accuracy and high quality materials. This noninvasive procedure allows Millennium Smiles, located in Frisco, TX, to offer dental restorations during a single office visit!
On the market for over 30 years, CEREC has been tested in 250 scientific studies to confirm the clinical safety. This product has allowed for over 30 million tooth restorations. This treatment allows dentists to construct, produce, and insert restorations in a single appointment, rather than over multiple visits with lab work in between.
This treatment begins with comfortable, digital impressions of the area to be treated, which are used to design and fabricate your custom fit and color-matched crown- while you wait. Digital imaging will be used to custom mil your dental crown while you wait. We will permanently secure your restoration and make any adjustments needed for a comfortable fit.
Your Frisco family dentist carries out all the steps from digital impressions and computer-based construction of the restoration to the milling process in a single office visit. Digital scanning with CEREC uses one of the two best camera systems on the market.
CEREC technology makes it possible to produce and integrate ceramic restorations in a single appointment. Unlike other materials, ceramic is similar to tooth-like physical and aesthetic qualities. CEREC offers maximum material diversity for individual tooth restorations such as crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers and bridges.
There are many benefits of the same-day CEREC technology. The biggest benefit is results within approximately two hours during one visit! This saves you valuable time and does not require you to miss too much work or school. Same day dentistry is very convenient. There is also no reason to have to wear a temporary crown while your crown is being built. Patients also enjoy that there is no need for messy impressions because your teeth are mapped out digitally. By using a one-day treatment, your Frisco family dentist only uses one set of injections, allowing for greater patient comfort.
If you have dental concerns you would like to restore, Millennium Smiles has solutions for you. CEREC is a great treatment that allows for quick results!